Furthermore, this is no surprise as great minds think alike in terms of education. It has been awhile since one took the time to take on such a task however, yours truly will divulge ones opinion on the coding software and whether or not the author thinks it will be beneficial to students as a whole. Keeping students interested in such a complex form of learning is key and this website makes it quite easy to do so. .  Here’s a question that all should consider outside humorous aspirations. If all states support computer science why isn’t it a major part of the federal academic curriculum common core to be specific? Furthermore, there is even a S.T.E.M. component included in the 7-13 year olds, and as students start to improve the concept of HTML, web development Java etc. 

Yours truly mentioned an idea of how to prepare students for the assimilation of artificial intelligence in modern society.  As one started to conduct research the author discovered there are some websites in existence which can prove quite helpful in assisting students with the aforementioned. Furthermore, this is no surprise as great minds think alike in terms of education.

It has been awhile since one took the time to take on such a task however, yours truly will divulge ones opinion on the coding software available today and whether or not the author thinks it will be beneficial to students as a whole. By the admittance of the author it is a broad task however, through ones own perspective such a review will be helpful to all educators and parents alike. Keep in mind, this is the opinion of the author and shouldn’t be viewed as etched in stone.

The first is known as code monkey one finds the name bordering on political correctness in this day and age. But I digress; the topic at hand deals with the programs compatibility and the ability of students to grasp the subject matter. In addition, the ease an educator or school can apply the program to their mission statement and pedagogical practice.  Furthermore, based on a schools philosophy is it compatible with the aforementioned.  To date the following sites were visited ( ( ( and ( One will review the following websites to see how they are compatible with the classroom in addition to recommending them to be used in the home. Another element that stands out to the author is what one would deem as the mission statement; “Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science.”

When signs up with this website it asks whether you want to sign up as a parent administrator or educator. Yours truly questions this practice because teachers are also parents as well. The author asks the question does it matter and what significant role does the question play introducing students to the concept of coding. No matter the category chosen each has children and wants what’s best for them in terms of having a good life.

One benefit that the author finds truly beneficial is font size. Quite easy to read and has an animated theme.  Keeping students interested in such a complex form of learning is key and this website makes it quite easy to do so. In addition, code monkey also covers the k-8 curriculum however, yours truly feels it should cover the whole curriculum. The school system covers k-12. In order for students to understand the concept of artificial intelligence mastery must cover the entire spectrum. Perhaps a team based approach with students as they enter high school would be a great way to utilize what they have learned so far.

The author’s point of view is not cast a negative light on the aforementioned website. Look at it from this perspective, an expansion of clientele and educational influence. Furthermore equipping our children with a necessary skill as the world becomes more electronically driven. Further investigation of code monkey options of different links that allows one to track the progress of students, and give educators the option of being able to see how the lessons apply to the common core curriculum. A necessary component in following federally mandated standards.

As soon as one signed on to this website the author is immediately impressed. One thinks that as an individual signing on to this website the aforementioned sentence will become self-explanatory. Tynker is an explosion of color and variety. In addition, it offers a free e-book from the author’s perspective a brilliant marketing move from the standpoint of promoting business.

As one began to explore further is the site contains a lot of options as it relates to coding. There are a number of different programs the user has to choose from based on the age of the child and pricing plans. In addition, Tynker is endorsed by a number of different corporations that specialize in child content. Furthermore, at the top of the site there is an option of the following; parents, educators, or camps. As one mentioned earlier it’s redundant to even list them in such a way because everyone has children and wants the best for them so one feels this is not a necessary listing. Again, this is just the opinion of the author and is not to be taken personal.

With that being said Tynker offers over 40 different programming courses across a variety of different devices being used today, so there is a strong possibility that an educator can find one that coincides with the level of your student. Also, the options aforementioned comes standard with any plan chosen according to ones financial budget.

As far as the age range Tynker offers from the age range 5-13 and above. A necessary move and as one stated before brilliant marketing strategy, the wider the age range the more in demand consumers will utilize the website to meet their teaching and learning needs. The author was truly impressed with the layout of the modules and how they are scaffold across the aforementioned age ranges. Furthermore, there is even a S.T.E.M. component included in the 7-13 year olds, and as students start to improve the concept of HTML, web development Java etc.  For each of its available programs Tynker offers a brief look so one can determine whether or not it is a program that one would want to spend their hard money on as a parent, educator etc.

From the author’s standpoint this is the most comprehensive website on coding one has ever seen.  This website is the pinnacle of creativity and programming. As with the other aforementioned websites one has a wide variety of options available as it pertains to coding. What particularly stands out is the fact that Code has celebrities as a part of and promoting their promoting. In addition, the website has what I aforementioned programming that covers all three major stages of free public education; elementary, middle, and high school. Furthermore, upon closer examination it is one notices that this website is equipped with the educational content designed to teach all ages about coding. In other words, one does not have to attend an academic establishment to learn but can do so in the comfort of their own home.

Another element that stands out to the author is what one would deem as the mission statement; “Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science.” Code displays results and reaction between them and their clientele. Yours truly believes it is a brilliant way to market their services as results and customer testimony has always trumped any and all marketing and media advertisement. Nothing is better than word of mouth and customer testimonial hands down.

The setup or links of is quite unique as it is listed as follows; students, educators, hours of code, and get involved.  Here’s a question that all should consider outside humorous aspirations. If all states support computer science why isn’t it a major part of the federal academic curriculum common core to be specific? But I digress is trying to bring the importance of computer programming as a topic of major importance.

The author was pleasantly surprised with the fact this website takes a retroactive approach in making those visiting the site about the importance of learning more about computer programming. When one clicked on the first link the options available through what’s known as a course catalogue. Furthermore, there is a link giving you the option of creating through a number of different avenues, the options are as listed as such; learn, teach, projects, and stats. Overall, is well organized with a plethora of information on coding.

Yours truly watched the introductory video about the website and all that they have to offer. One was very impressed with the small device or robot. Root breaks down what their site and one impressed with the little robot and its many functions. They innovated the challenge of coding and programming by approaching it from a different perspective. As with the other aforementioned websites it offers multiple levels of coding. In addition, root offers three different levels of coding listing the skills learned when utilizing each level.  Furthermore, the author clicked on the root academy link and noticed a part of the website which covers K-12 learning for all students.

To elaborate further the link root academy lists 4 possibilities sure to impress the users and adults alike in helping children from all ages become more comfortable with coding. Technical support is virtually easy to get a hold off. This link lists a number of common questions in terms of trouble-shooting and also has an available link where one can chat or get a more personal answer to any problems with the equipment and app connection.

One was truly impressed by the number of learning principles listed at the bottom of the root academy page.  A brief description is available about each as yours truly was able to see what how they relate to using the robot system, also the purpose and meaning behind the corporations product. Furthermore, as far as pricing goes based on ones budget the root equipment and system is very much affordable to all. There are different packages to choose from and as one would expect the larger packages come with a little more.

In conclusion, as educators and parents alike we need to take into consideration the need to alter the national curriculum to meet the demand of our ever changing society. Coding along with programming, one feels is just one of the major changes needed to be apart of the curriculum in order to bring our children up to speed in an ever-changing world. The aforementioned websites are just one of many on the programs available out there. Furthermore to get a review on some coding sites not covered by the author;  On the aforementioned website one can check out a list of other websites and see which one is best suited for you as a parent or an educator according to your preferences and your budget.  

Yours truly reviewed the following; code monkey, tykner, and root.irobot and gave the ones opinion on the websites and programming as it relates to teaching children about coding.  Each site presented a different and innovative way to teach children about coding while making it fun.  In addition, the pricing of each website varies so according to ones budget you can select one that’s within your salary scale.


ADDITIONAL READING                


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