Analysis Models of Teaching and Learning By Andrew Tomlinson

Behaviorism suggests that the learning environment has a direct effect on all students. Behavior would be documented and studied in order to assess how an individual responded to a given stimulus. If the student is encouraged and praised on their attempts at grasping subject matter especially when difficult, his or her attitude or behavior towards learning will improve. Education is categorized as learning from a cognitive perspective. Maria Montessori is most famous for her creation of the Montessori method. The premise of her approach deals with the rational and scientific approach while taking into consideration the mental and physical disabilities of her students coupled with their stages of development. Cognitive Psychology as defined by the reading includes as human growth and development along the following subcategories: cognitive, social psychological and physical. Conversely, humanistic psychology is represented by the individual self-awareness of “I.” As stated the concept primarily deals with attitudes, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and other stimuli. The information-processing model addresses talks about different categories of brain function and how it relates to learning. Utilization of the two charts displays clarity thus revealing comprehension of how the three theories function from broader perspective.
As one knows there are many different perspectives and theories out that pertain to how students learn. In the following, yours truly will conduct research and try to define the following three theories: Behaviorism, Cognitive, and Humanistic Psychology. A brief overview will be given of the aforementioned theories, and also discuss implications noticed from ones perspective. In addition, elaborating on examples that encompass each theory individually. Conversely, one will also discuss for each a prominent theorist and their contribution from each of the mentioned theories, they made towards developing and understanding education and the dynamics of the human brain.
Also, one will elaborate on and discuss the information-processing model given in the required reading. Reviewing key concepts and terminology elaborating on them and comprehension of said models from the perspective of yours truly. Elaboration on the concepts of sensory, long, and short term memory. In addition to comparing and creating a hypothesis as to how another model could enhance the effectiveness and comprehension of the information provided to give the reader a better perspective.
           Edward Thorndike was one the first pioneer of behaviorism. However, John B. Watson devised the theory of behaviorism in the latter part of the 20th century (Moore, J. 2011 pg 450). From the viewpoint of yours truly he believed that psychology should welcome behaviorism. The reading suggests Thorndike’s defines behaviorism as a formation of habit. Watson defines the theory as primarily based on having what’s known as a stimulus or trigger and study or observes how a student would react to the stimulus. From ones viewpoint both their definition according to the reading is called classical conditioning.
           The behavior would be documented and studied in order to access how the individual responded to the stimulus and why did they reacted in the manner in which they did. Watson’s viewpoint was different because he utilized an objective as opposed to a subjective approach (Moore, J. 2011 pg 451). Furthermore, Watson also utilized certain analytical methods popular to animal study in his theory and used them to study different stimulus and response. As a result his theory is now known as a classical S-R viewpoint. Behaviorism suggests the learning environment influences students. Therefore, if the student is encouraged and praised on their attempts at grasping subject matter especially when difficult, his or her attitude or behavior towards learning will improve. In short it is recommended that the curriculum be set in a way that it helps students to master the subject matter.
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology as defined by the reading includes as human growth and development along the following subcategories: cognitive, social psychological and physical. Education is categorized as learning from a cognitive perspective. A common premise from the cognitive perspective is “learning builds upon learning it becomes very important to know what level of learning is needed at one stage of the educational process in order to facilitate learning at the next stage” (Hunt, E. 2012 pg 6). From ones perspective the understanding is that before a student can do addition a child must first learn how to count. Furthermore, the reading mentions key questions pertaining to the organization of knowledge, storage of information, retrieval of data, and the formation of conclusions.
In addition, the dynamics of long term and short-term memory, what they do and how they function within the construct of education and human development. A fundamental blueprint of how students’ process, utilize and storing information before during and after instruction in all subject areas. This brings yours truly to the mention of Maria Montessori and her creation of the Montessori method. The premise of her approach deals with the rational and scientific approach while taking into consideration the mental and physical disabilities of her students coupled with their stages of development.
“While the Montessori Method helps all children, it is critical to the progress of children who learn differently— including children with dyslexia, ADHD, communication disorders, intellectual deficiencies, and autism” (Pickering, J. 2017 pg 50). Montessori developed a new style of teaching with the understanding that all students are capable of learning a perspective that yours truly agrees with. Her concern was geared toward learning experiences, cognitive development and learning environment. If a student displayed an interest in mathematics or science based on the stimulus around them, then the student would begin to learn about the topic area that captivates their attention.
Humanistic Psychology
According to the reading humanistic psychology is not recognized as being in the same field as other branches of subject. The case being made is that there has not been enough research to bolster a point of recognition. However, it is categorized as a third force learning theory. Conversely, humanistic psychology is represented by the individual self-awareness of “I.” As stated the concept primarily deals with attitudes, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and other stimuli. In addition, the relationship between these factors and how they are affected by the environment; “Behavioral indicators of psychological well-being include laughing, smiling, crying, sleeping, and symptoms of anger and depression” (Duff, J., Rubenstein, C., & Prilleltensky, I. 2016 pg 130). In essence ones understanding from the content read is the perspective from which we view ourselves as individuals is the basis of behavior comprehension. In a classroom setting, students with low self-esteem tend to be more silent and shy away from participation. On the other hand, the individual that feels confident are more likely to speak up early and often.
John B. Watson played a vital role in the development of the theory known as behaviorism. From the reading he is considered the originator of behavioral psychology.    In essence, he redefined classroom instruction; “Watson's (1925) popular book, Behaviorism, was a showcase for research on learning, especially Watson's own research on emotional learning in children” (Rilling, M. 2000 pg 277).  His theory is important to education because one feels it focuses attention on the classroom environment aka the stimulus and the respondent aka the student. One example of the theory’s importance is it allows the teacher to understand their students better as a class and as individuals on a psychological level building a stronger respectful relationship between teacher and student. Another is it allows for the teacher to better gage how students react to with each other. Creating seating arrangements through understanding disruption the classroom flow during instruction. Essentially controlling the stimuli.
Maria Montessori essentially brought about a new dimension to cognitive psychology by creating the Montessori method. Essentially she was able to help students with disorders learn and be apart of the educational construct but in a slightly different way. “The art of teaching is to match the level of the lesson to the student’s individual developmental stage using the Montessori method and therapeutic strategies, as necessary, to enhance the educational progress of the student” (Pickering, J. 2017 pg 53). In essence two students in the 5th grade but one reads at a 2nd grade level and the other at a third grade level. Each has a lesson plan in literacy geared toward their reading level. Conversely, the same comparison can be made for math where both students have students have are below their grade actual grade level.
Carl Rogers from ones understanding of the reading is a noted phenomenologist. His believe is one of positive human behavior helps individuals to grow and interact with each other. “He developed the client-centered, person-centered approach; popularized the term client; pioneered the recording of counseling cases; conducted landmark research on counseling and psychotherapy; and was a leader in the humanistic psychology movement (Kirschenbaum, H. 2004 pg 116). From the reading he views therapy as a conduit to help teacher and student deal with situations that may development between them problems they may have at home, how they view society and how society views them. An instance is when a student can talk about giving an elder person a seat on the bus on the way home. Another would be how a student might react when someone uses a derogatory name or phrase to describe them. The discussion would be centered on the best way to respond to that situation.
In-Depth Processing Model
The model addresses talks about different categories of brain function and how it relates to learning. It displays and talks about Sensori Motor Brain function including how one uses different areas of the brain and how they interact by individually and together. From sensory memory function, working memory and the effects that rehearsal on working memory. In addition, the chart displays the function and effects encoding, retrieval, automaticity, encoding, retrieval, restraints. Conversely, the how function as a conduit between sensory, working, and long-term memory.
As it relates to the three schools of learning that it plays a vital role in helping all three theories to became valid. The model helps to explain Behaviorism as it pertains to formation of a habit. Taking a look at working memory it shows how rehearsal acts as stimuli in order to trigger a learned response. An example is when students are completing addition problems rehearsal as the sensory element process the problems and activates the other factors of the model.
Cognitive Psychology/Model
The information process model relates to cognitive psychology in a different manner. Learning builds upon learning so the cognitive comparison on the chart suggests that the sensory factor filters through new information as the brain calculates its usefulness to the subject matter being taught. Conversely, relaying what is considered as vital information to the topic at hand and getting rid of non-essential information. Rehearsal helps to retain and recall what is important before encoding it into long-term memory for retrieval at a later time in the process. An example would be the learning about multiplication after learning about addition, subtraction and how multiplication is added passed into the long- term memory with the previous mathematical elements. 
Humanistic Psychology/Model
Third, the model is related to Humanistic Psychology from the perspective of emotional reaction and well-being. The sensory part of the model receives information from an emotional standpoint. Editing said information is primarily based upon a person’s emotions, and whether or they are threatened insulted hurt etc. The information is then relayed to working memory that may playback through rehearsal the event. Encoding plays the role of going into long term memory to try and recall or store what happened to the individual. If there is a memory of a similar event then retrieval comes into play as to how the individual is going to react emotionally.

Yours truly compared the above brain-processing model to the information-processing model. What one discovered that was not apart of the other model was the element known as environment. Upon observation one immediately notices the five senses being a major factor of the above model. Yours truly realizes this model helps to simply the function of the processes and gives a more in depth explanation to how they operate. Utilization of the two charts displays clarity thus revealing comprehension of how the three theories function from broader perspective. Conversely, my hypothesis is that both charts should be presented when trying to understand educational theories, the brain sensori dynamics and motor function.
To summarize ones comprehension of Behaviorism, Cognitive, and Humanistic psychology was addressed. The origins, dynamics and the perspective of the theories were contemplated based on the reading done about the aforementioned theories. We talked about John B. Watson’s contribution and his theory. In addition, Maria Montessori and her contribution to the theory of Cognitive Psychology, known as the Montessori method. Furthermore, one read about and elaborated on the third theory known as Humanistic Psychology. Conversely, one read about Carl Rogers and the contributions he made to the Humanistic approach. Additionally, yours truly read about why said theory needed to be considered and utilized in the field of education.
Furthermore, one discussed the information processing theory and the information-processing model, briefly summarizing each aspect of the model. Yours truly discussed the chart as it pertains to the sensory, working and long-term memory etc. Conversely, one also elaborated on how the chart relates to the three educational theories from the perspective of yours truly. In addition, a hypothesis was drafted on how they aforementioned theory would match or blend with another theory to improve the models effectiveness. From the standpoint of yours truly, the chart chosen for such a comparison and hypothesis was the brain processing model and its effectiveness to helping to understand brain function.  

 Duff, J., Rubenstein, C., & Prilleltensky, I. (2016). Wellness and fairness: Two core values for humanistic psychology. The Humanistic Psychologist44(2), 127-141. doi:10.1037/hum0000020
Hunt, E. (2012). Educating the Developing Mind: The View from Cognitive Psychology. Educational Psychology Review24(1), 1-7.
Kirschenbaum, H. (2004). Carl rogers's life and work: An assessment on the 100th anniversary of his birth. Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD, 82(1), 116-124. Retrieved from
Moore, J. (2011). BEHAVIORISM. Psychological Record61(3), 449-465
Pickering, J. (2017). MONTESSORI FOR CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DIFFERENCES. Montessori Life29(1), 48-53.
Rilling, M. (2000). How the challenge of explaining learning influenced the origins and development of john B. watson's behaviorism. The American Journal of Psychology, 113(2), 275-301. Retrieved from


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