How does one define Curriculum?

What is curriculum? How does one develop culture and nurture it? The six elements presented, are just one way the concept of curriculum is utilized. The relationship that the teacher has with the curriculum and the materials utilized is important. Learning how to adapt to different versions of curriculum is essential to ones growth as an educator. The new age definition of curriculum. The New York State Standardized test and how it affects curriculum. The Mind Shift article, and links that pertain to education how it is evolving. A different perspective to curriculum development, project-based learning why it is a much more effective tool for students to learn with.
How does one define curriculum? Webster’s definition states it as: courses offered by an educational institution ( From the perspective of yours truly curriculum represents the blueprint or the root of education. It’s categories and subcategories help to guide instruction and plays an important part for teachers and students alike. In the following, an attempt will be made to try and examine the different meanings of the word curriculum. In addition, the opinion of yours truly on the resources of this week as it pertains to the present topic. Followed by what methods are utilized and ones perspective on the methods used, and why it best suites the needs of yours truly. Concluding with the overall thoughts from ones perspective on the topic of curriculum.
Definitions of Curriculum
As aforementioned, Webster’s dictionary defines curriculum as courses offered by an institution. However, lets examine the literal definition of the word and concept is dependent upon the educational institution’s personal and daily operation itself. In addition, also determined by the state, local school district, and the federal education department. In an article published in the International Journal of Multicultural Education. Curriculum is broken down into six elements; Self Love and Knowledge, Respect for Others, Issues for Social Justice, Social Movements, Social Change, Awareness Raising, and Social Action (Picower, B.2012 pg 1).
The purpose of breaking it down in this manner is as follows; By addressing these six elements of social justice education in the elementary classroom, teachers lead students to value themselves, respect the diversity of the world around them, understand how diverse people have been treated differently and often unjustly, recognize that ordinary people have worked to address such injustice, and take action themselves (Picower, B.2012 pg 2). Therefore, the six elements make up an essential part of classroom instruction. To reiterate the I. J. M. E. is an example of how the concept of curriculum is created and utilized to help students learn efficiently.  Is it version of education that one would use? Yes because as an educator one has to learn how to adapt to different versions of curriculum and use it to maximize learning.

Another great definition of curriculum of what curriculum is as follows; “curriculum materials have long been viewed as an effective means through which to reform K-12 teaching and learning. Contemporary perspectives on the teacher- curriculum relationship emphasize the active role teachers play” (Forbes,T.C. pg180). The teachers are what drive what curriculum is there is no definition of it and certainly it will not teach itself. Furthermore, the article also states; features of the curriculum materials themselves—design, organization, educative supports for teachers, etc.—can influence how teachers work with them. Finally, the teacher- curriculum relationship is embedded in particular professional contexts that can afford or constrain teachers’ mobilization, evaluation, and adaptation of curriculum materials (Forbes,T.C. pg181).

The next idea and example presented is a new age definition of curriculum yours truly also endorses and will be a mainstay for years to come. “Roughly five years ago, we got the idea for this from a really well-known treatise by someone named Eric Raymond. He was part of the original open source software movement. He wrote eleven precepts about how and why open source projects should be built and why it’s better to use a “bazaar,” or free exchange of ideas, versus using a “cathedral,” or top-down, regimented approach. When I read it as an educator, I was really interested in its application to school curriculum” (Bernard, S 2010). The definition of curriculum is no longer rigid; the definition is becoming more of a fluid concept. This is something one has advocated for and said for years. In short, one saw it happening because technology kept evolving.

Mind Shift/ How will we learn
The last paragraph mentions Mind Shift/How will we learn. Some of the ideas discussed in the reading assigned are ideas that one has been advocating to be a part of school curriculum since 2008. It hasn’t necessarily changed my thinking per say, but it is something that has been carefully thought about. The question at hand is how can corporate America aid in the education and development of its children? “These intangibles have found their way into the fiber of the curriculum in schools like Napa New Tech and its network of schools growing schools. And tech companies are looking for ways to provide value to the movement” (Barseghian, T. 2011). Fundamentally, the thought of incorporating the private sector into the field of education is an idea yours truly had thought about for years. The point being is that others share the same vision.
Curriculum Influence
The factors that influence curriculum development are the aforementioned federal, state, and the educational institution. Curriculum development is also mostly created by the superintendent, principal, a school board of trustees and specialists with expertise in pedagogy across the main subject areas. The first example is ever-popular standardized tests; they drive the content in the curriculum. It caters to what is going to be on these exams. Afterwards, other factors are taken into consideration. From the personal experience, one has dealt with principal and co- teachers meeting with experts in a professional development setting teaching at a charter school; talking about implementing practice across, math, reading and science subject areas. Another example directly deals with the state standardized test. During certain times of the year, the bulk of instructional time is used to discuss and practice taking the New York State Standardized exams. Becoming a major part of homework as the students prepare. The instruction at this time is driven towards making sure anything having to do with the exam is taught and reviewed rigorously.

Curriculum Design and P.B.L.
The approach that yours truly finds appealing is the Project/Problem Based learning or the acronym P.B.L. From this standpoint one truly thinks it is best suited to students for two reasons. The first being that it is not boring lectured instruction, and it gives them an opportunity to apply what they have learned fairly quickly. The other is that it requires students to use both critical and creative thinking. From the article Project Based Learning; “the children are encouraged to interact with their projects in a way that has meaning for them by posing questions and engaging in intellectual curiosity” (Strevy, D. 2014 pg462). Incorporating this approach I think allows instruction and learning to be more interactive. “When embraced and accurately implemented, a project- or problem-based approach to teaching can change an educator’s view of his/her role and what it means to create authentic learning experiences for students” (Strevy, D. 2014 pg464). Utilized in this way in conjunction with the curriculum made instruction better for the students and yours truly.
            The perspective of curriculum development is one that just happened to become interesting from a moment of serendipity. It started as one being curious as to how to apply lessons to curriculum standard. Then grew into a science project for an afterschool S.T.E.M. program. Afterwards, it just became an unstoppable thought that just kept evolving, teaching, learning assessing. Realizing that if yours truly kept going the possibilities would truly become endless. I am passionate about a lot of things. Conversely, teaching is one and developing the curriculum to a point where school becomes a great experience for all involved.

            To summarize, curriculum has a dictionary definition but takes on many different forms in the field of education. The six concepts mentioned is a great example of the different modalities that curriculum contains. Conversely, the materials used and the educators involved are also important components. One discussed the article Mind Shift, and touched on some key links that were also on the website. In addition discussed ones experience with curriculum development and its main purpose. Conversely, talked about the role standardized testing plays when it comes to curriculum. Furthermore, talked about what project-based learning is and why it should play a major role in curriculum development.

Strevy, D. (2014). Project-based learning; is there a problem-based difficulty?Childhood Education, 90(6), 462-465.

Picower, B. (2012). Using Their Words: Six Elements of Social Justice Curriculum Design for the Elementary Classroom. International Journal Of Multicultural Education14(1), 1-17.

Forbes, C. T. (2013). Curriculum-dependent and curriculum-independent factors in preservice elementary teachers' adaptation of science curriculum materials for inquiry-based science. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 24(1), 179-197. doi:



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