Testing and Measurement Inside the Classroom

Developing assessments that accurately measure student thinking is not a clear-cut process. There are a lot of other factors that play a significant role in designing the most effective form of assessment. In the following, yours truly will go over the difference between norm-referenced testing and criterion-referenced testing. In addition, one will name five different types of alternative assessments and the purpose of using them. In addition, the author will talk about the difference between assessment of and assessment for learning. Also, the role each concept has in evaluating students’ comprehension level of the subject matter. Conversely, the appropriate time to each assessment format and why they help to promote student learning. Next one will discuss the importance of thinking about and utilizing different assessment types during lesson planning. Furthermore, the author will discuss how to scaffold for E.S.L. students and those that take more time to process information. Lastly, one will talk about how to encourage parents to be more involved in the learning process. Followed by how to motivate students to maximize their potential.
Norm-referenced and Criterion-referenced Assessments
Norm referenced tests are exams compared with other students or peers according to the reading and research one has conducted on the concept. It is a group of students that have taken the same exam. Conversely, students are grouped by age, grade level, ethnicity, sex, geographic location etc. “The top scores get high numbers and the bottom scores get low numbers—regardless of how well individuals actually perform. Curved grading is norm-referenced” (Colburn, A. 2009 para 7). It is the belief of yours truly that it is a summative form of assessment. In addition, to it being a form of standardized testing. This form of testing is believed to accurately measure which students have met the standard and those that need work; “No matter what happens, some- one will pass and someone will fail” (Colburn, A. 2009 para 7).
Criterion-referenced tests are the alternative to the aforementioned N.R.T. format. From the reading the test is designed to determine how well students perform a skill or a task with respect to a standard predetermined by the state. Based upon my research C.R.T. measures three key elements; (1) the task to be completed; (2) the conditions or contexts in which the task is to be performed; and (3) the performance standard, or level of success or accuracy, that is required (Clifford, R. 2016 pg 225). Compared to the aforementioned one can spot the difference between the two test formats. According to the reading C.R.T. is used to determine a standard or goal. Conversely, this form of testing is curriculum driven while its predecessor is used to determine who passed the standardized state rationale.
Alternative Assessments
The primary purpose of assessments is to determine if students grasp the understanding of content taught and the standards covered. Conversely, alternative assessments are used are other forms of evaluating students. As one learned from time in the classroom some students do not perform to their maximum potential when using conventional forms of testing. This brings one to alternative methods mentioned in the reading and ones research; projects, drawings, experiments, portfolio and worksheets.
The purpose of projects is to apply knowledge gained from the subject matter or lesson and construct a model of an object based on the students understanding, creative and critical prowess. Second form of assessment is the concept of drawing; “White and Gunstone (1992, 105) found drawings to be an ‘efficient and effective method’ in assessing children’s learning, often providing understanding that was hidden in other procedures” (Dentzau, M. W., & Martínez, A. G. 2016 pg 131). Third are experiments a popular construct used in Science and can be monitored closely by both teacher and student. It fosters discussion questioning and interaction as it pertains to the subject matter. Fourth is the concept of a portfolio from the reading and being in the classroom one recognizes this form of assessment does cover quite a few subcategories; showcase, growth, process, and cumulative assignments. The author’s fifth alternative assessment is known as a worksheet. As the aforementioned, the concept of a worksheet can utilized with a variety of formats. This can also be used to assess whether students are grasping the content of the subject.
Difference Between Assessment Of/For Learning
The phrase assessment of learning according to the reading deals with how much a student has learned. The evaluation of knowledge students have amassed over a particular period of time on a particular topic or subject matter; “Given that the intent of assessment as learning is to help students become self-directed learners, it is crucial to provide them with clear criteria as a guide to their learning” (Gibbons, S. L., & Kankkonen, B. 2011 pg 7). Conversely, once students understand what is required of them, the process of meeting goals and standards become significantly easier. Primarily assessment of learning is basically one of the key elements used to determine the final grade of students for a wide variety of subjects.
 “Formative assessment is about learning that needs feedback. The process informs teachers of where students are developing expertise or experiencing difficulties” (Koh, L. C. 2008 pg 224). Form ones perspective and the reading this form of assessment is based on conversation, interaction, feedback and body language. It allows us as educators to recognize if the information is being received and understood during the learning process. One achieves this goal through the utilization of blooms taxonomy and Socratic questioning.
The appropriate time for yours truly to use a summative assessment is after one completes teaching a topic or the dynamics of a subject area and all its subcategories. The purpose at this juncture, is to test students and their ability to retain the information given in any subject area over a period of time. In addition, a summative assessment is used to test whether students are proficient in the state standard. Conversely, a formative assessment doesn’t use a strict format to determine whether or not students classroom content. As aforementioned, one uses Bloom’s taxonomy, critical and creative thinking to assess the comprehension of the subject matter. Formative assessment can take place during classroom or group discussion and doesn’t necessarily require the instructor to speak but listen as students give interact and give feedback. However, when one does speak the utilization of Bloom’s taxonomy and Socratic questioning is used to assess student comprehension. Furthermore, one can assess what areas the students needs help, make adjustments to the lesson and scaffold accordingly.
Overall, both assessments are important because they gauge student comprehension on two different plains giving one the opportunity to look at two different forms of data to interpret student comprehension. It is important to note that some students are better test takers when administering summative assessments. Therefore, as the reading suggested balance between the two is the best way to measure student development. Also, by examining both forms of assessment one can determine and construct a summative assessment in a particular format. Also, those students who don’t do formative assessments well can show what they know through summative assessment.   
Types of Assessment
Assessment types play a significant role in understanding whether or not students grasp the material that was taught over time. Considering that one advocates progressivism, P.B.L. to be precise testing with this form of educational theory can be complex. Yours truly does have to consider creative and critical elements of thought. Beginning from the planning stages of the lesson the questions are as follows; what approach can one use to cover the Common Core standards required for the subject matter? How can yours truly combine the subject matter, common core and P.B.L.? How will my students critically think and creatively utilize the subject matter to gain understanding? Will they be able to explain their answers clearly? How will students perform using a formative/summative assessment? Which type of the aforementioned assessments will give the most accurate data needed grade proficiency?
It’s important to note from the reading one understands that teachers are not test giving machines and students are not test taking machines. Therefore, the comprehension of content will primarily must also take place within the classroom environment amongst the teacher and students respectively. From the perspective of yours truly formative assessment will be used daily to determine thought process of the students from the lesson. From the reading one also recognizes that teachers must foster creativity in the curriculum, not only in designing said curriculum but the instructional strategies used to work on projects and subject matter. Conversely, one can utilize the same process to find out which students are having trouble grasping the concepts and subject matter. Thus, allowing one to make adjustments by scaffolding, in addition to assisting contacting parents to assist those students having difficulty in understanding the content.
One must find commonality between summative and formative assessment. Yours truly recognizes their connection because summative assessment is measured as the official way to know if students understood the subtopics taught over time. Summative assessment is designed to recognize the knowledge, skills, concepts etc. Whatever the curriculum deems as standard to the particular subject, topic or content. One must also take into account the difficulty of the questions. According to the reading the goal is not to trick students with the format but to assess what they know. In addition, yours truly would design the assessment to be given with multiple-choice and fill in the blank; because some students are better at one aspect of the aforementioned. Therefore, balancing the format is important. Conversely if one had students from non-English speaking countries, the exam with the exception of math, given in their native language.  
Parental Involvement
It’s of vital importance to keep parents in the loop when it comes to educational development of children. From ones perspective the way to keep parents in the loop is to set up a parent teacher meeting by setting up an appointment, if that’s not possible then set up a phone conference. Yours truly believes that you should speak with them as soon as possible. The beginning of the school year or the first marking period is the best time to do so. Waiting only creates tension thus making them and the student uncomfortable.
The next step is to give a brief overview of the subject one is teaching and the subcategories that will be covered throughout the year. The author believes it is also helpful to have a mock assessments formative/summative in order to give them an idea of the style of assessment their child will be taking. Go over the format or what can be done if the parent is short on time have them call or email you if they have any questions. Having an open dialogue with parents promotes a better opportunity to students. Perhaps daily weekly or text in addition, to the aforementioned by them lunch, extra gym time or give them an award for trying their best.  By checking the Internet, one can find templates of awards that can be downloaded and printed.  Yours truly gives awards for improvement, high score, classwork completing assignments for the week. Conversely, the author believes that it is important to recognize the effort of all ones students. It gives them a sense of understanding of what’s required in order to move to the next level brings about better effort and efficiency in terms of testing and classroom performance.     
To summarize, the author discussed norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments. How the two are utilized to determine the proficiency of student knowledge and the theories behind them. Yours truly mentioned how N.R.T. was used to grade and determine on a state standardized level. Conversely, the author also talks about how the C.R.T. is more curriculum and performance driven. One discussed alternative assessments and then listed five different types. In addition, the roles and importance of the different types of assessments and how they can help to determine proficiency. Furthermore, the author discussed the differences between assessment of and assessment for learning. The important role each concept plays in students’ development and understanding, and why both forms are important to utilize and to improve learning. Conversely, the author addresses why assessment types should be considered when lesson planning and how to scaffold in order to deal with diverse students. Lastly, yours truly discusses how to inspire students to assist their children in becoming efficient learners and how to inspire students to maximize their potential.

Clifford, R. (2016). A Rationale for Criterion-Referenced Proficiency Testing. Foreign Language Annals49(2), 224-234. doi:10.1111/flan.12201

Colburn, A. (2009). An Assessment Primer. Science Teacher76(4), 10.

Dentzau, M. W., & Martínez, A. G. (2016). The development and validation of an alternative assessment to measure changes in understanding of the longleaf pine ecosystem. Environmental Education Research22(1), 129-152.

Gibbons, S. L., & Kankkonen, B. (2011). Assessment as learning in physical education: Making assessment meaningful for secondary school students.Physical & Health Education Journal, 76(4), 6-12. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/896272594?accountid=28180

Koh, L. C. (2008). Refocusing formative feedback to enhance learning in pre-registration nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice, 8(4), 223-30. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy1.ncu.edu/10.1016/j.nepr.2007.08.002


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