The purpose of high stakes testing

            High stakes testing is essential in evaluating whether or not the students comprehend the curriculum and pedagogical practices utilized. Yours truly currently teaches at a high school, and the manifestation of high stakes testing comes in the form of the regents’ examination in addition to the other forms of testing summative and formative that takes place during the course of the year. From the middle school level on down the requirements for grade advancement and graduation changes from the regents to another. Why are these tests important? They evaluate a number of points and help to give a much clearer perspective. First, they help to evaluate student proficiency and help to gauge students’ factual knowledge and not their critical thinking. Conversely, these exams are important to determine the degree of literacy in the community. The exams are used to determine the effectiveness of the curriculum being utilized as well as how effective the school and district is at implementing the adopted curricula to meeting the standards and compliance with NLCB. The high stakes assessment chosen by yours is the New York State Math exam given to students in the third and fourth grade. The author believes that if more attention were given to the dynamics of this exam the results would be very much higher not to mention the comprehension of mathematics. Thus, the requirements for a diploma create a peculiar conundrum, and added pressure on students teachers, principal, superintendent administration and the entire state educational system. The social foundation from using this method of instructional practice is a build up of strong camaraderie. In addition to high stakes testing, students have to pass the courses given and be proficient in the content. . Even if parents wish to opt their child out of high stakes testing the only other option available is the GED program and, even then it comes down to passing the GED exam also a high stakes assessment. The first option from the perspective of yours truly is to enroll their child in a Kaplan study program. There will be questions parents and guardians are going to ask pertaining to high stakes questions.
Assessment is important in gauging proficiency of students in all subject areas. Without assessment it would be very difficult not to mention tedious in understanding what students are proficient in, and figuring out if the curriculum is effective in presenting the content. However, one will talk about the concept of high stakes testing and the role it plays in the implementation of lesson planning, and our student’s ability to graduate. In addition, how it affects students and administrative staff and teaches alike. Furthermore, how it affects communities, schools, districts, state and federal level. How graduation requirements are affected by high stakes testing. The question if one can opt their child out of high stakes testing and how it differs from state to state. Offer advice on how parents can help their child prepare high stakes testing. Lastly, the author will go over some common questions parents may ask in regards to the dynamics of the high stakes testing process.
Testing Requirements
High stakes testing is essential in evaluating whether or not the students comprehend the curriculum and pedagogical practices utilized. Furthermore, were the common core standards addressed and are the students proficient in said standards at each grade level? “Since 2002 each state has had to comply with No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation, which mandates testing of students throughout compulsory education, although each state creates – or has commercial publishers do it – and marks its own tests” (Isaacs, T. 2014 pg344).  In the United States, the federal government mandates the policy of No child Left Behind must be adhered to by the state and local school districts. Yours truly currently teaches at a high school, and the manifestation of high stakes testing comes in the form of the regents’ examination in addition to the other forms of testing summative and formative that takes place during the course of the year. Conversely, regents testing are a series of examinations given across major subject areas such as Math, Reading, and Science at different grade levels; various subjects and at different times during the academic school year.
Testing Is Necessary
The regents’ examinations are a necessary requirement in order for students to move on to graduate from high school. “To meet diploma requirements, students must earn specific course credits and pass specific assessments, typically Regents exams or NYSED-approved alternatives” (High School Academic Policy Guide—Updated September 2017). New York State high school students must meet the aforementioned requirements in order to graduate; “Arizona, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, and Tennessee have made Algebra II a high school graduation requirement even as Florida has removed Algebra II as a requirement for the high school diploma” (Plunk, A. D., Tate, W. F., Bierut, L. J., & Grucza, R. A. 2014 para 5). Each states process in meeting the NCLB addendum is different. From the middle school level on down the requirements for grade advancement and graduation changes from the regents to another form of state testing; “Elementary and middle school students in New York State take yearly State tests in core academic subjects to assess their mastery of the Common Core Learning Standards. Students’ test results are one of the factors that schools use to decide whether to promote a student to the next grade” (  Conversely the kind of assessment changes from 3rd to 12th grade. In the aforementioned, New York state students are required to take the same exam across the state. From the perspective of yours truly, this is done to check for proficiency and to make sure that they meet NCLB guidelines for testing.
Why are these tests important? They evaluate a number of points and help to give a much clearer perspective. First, they help to evaluate student proficiency and help to gauge students’ factual knowledge and not their critical thinking. Furthermore, they assess whether students understand the common core standards that have been taught for a specific grade level be it regents exams for high school students, or aforementioned assessments from grades three to eight.
In addition, the exams also evaluate the effectiveness of the pedagogical prowess of the teachers responsible for presenting the material. Conversely, a hot-button topic in the field of education suggests teachers should be paid in accordance to their students test scores. The author is against using such methods to determine effectiveness the mentioned form of evaluation based on the understanding of what teachers have to go through. Also based on the reading assignment done by yours truly norm-referenced testing suggests that no matter how well some students perform, their score will be biased. Thus, this is not an accurate tool to use for student and teacher assessment.
Conversely, these exams are important to determine the degree of literacy in the community. The exams are used to determine the effectiveness of the curriculum being utilized as well as how effective the school and district is at implementing the adopted curricula to meeting the standards and compliance with NLCB. In addition to other political policies that include how much funding and aide the community receives from the state, city and local government.
The high stakes assessment chosen by yours is the New York State Math exam given to students in the third and fourth grade. The author believes that if more attention were given to the dynamics of this exam the results would be very much higher not to mention the comprehension of mathematics. How would one go about implementing such a change for improvement? Yours truly advocates for the concept of project/problem based learning. From ones perspective, if math were taught in a way that makes the subject matter interesting, remembering the formulas and mathematical vocabulary would become second nature to students.
Social Foundation
The social foundation from using this method of instructional practice is a build up of strong camaraderie.  As students learn each concept they learn good social skills and thus begin to have a positive relationship with math terminology, numbers, calculations, formulas etc. The development of such a relationship will instill confidence for the years ahead when as mathematics becomes more detailed and complex. Even if math is not a pupil’s favorite subject, the fact remains there is a higher probability said pupil would not panic when faced with the adversity and test anxiety high stakes testing causes in the aforementioned subject area. As the saying goes; “familiarity breeds content.”

As mentioned earlier students in New York State are required to take and pass the regents examination in order to receive a high school diploma. Also, younger students cannot advance in grade level without taking and passing the state mandated assessment. Thus, the requirements for a diploma create a peculiar conundrum, and added pressure on students teachers, principal, superintendent administration and the entire state educational system. All the parties involved are being graded on the passing the regents’ exam. Conversely, this has a direct affect on curriculum and classroom instruction. Realistically jobs hang in the balance based on performance and none of the parties involved wants their students to fail. It’s important to note, school districts that can afford to give extra instruction to their students make it a top priority to assist students.
 High stakes testing is also a serious problem because there are a host of other factors that must be taken into consideration. In addition to high stakes testing, students have to pass the courses given and be proficient in the content. Also, pupils are preparing to take the SAT’s. Furthermore, preparing the necessary materials and information needed for college and extracurricular activities seniors enjoy during the final year of high school. From this point senior year is known as a tumultuous process for all parties involved, including the parents; “High-stakes testing as a determinant of the awarding of a high school diploma is a zombie idea in education” (Kern, D. 2013 pg 98). Furthermore, students have become aware of the situation at hand and have taken an active role and are actively involved through protest and voicing their opinion; “a protest march to the RI Department of Education dressed as zombies and one student member aptly stated: "We're zombies because this policy will kill us... If we don't get a diploma, we'll end up in dead-end jobs.” (Kern, D. 2013 pg 97). In short, high stakes testing needs to be reconsidered in terms being the sole determining factor used to determine graduation.
Opt-out Options
There is an option available in New York State there are options available but the truth of the matter is that it still comes down to one option, and that is high stakes testing. “In New York State, there are three types of diploma: a local diploma, a Regents diploma, and an Advanced Regents diploma. All students can earn a Regents or Advanced Regents diploma; however only students who meet specific criteria are eligible to graduate with a local diploma, which allows students to graduate with lower exam scores” ( From the perspective of yours truly it seems to be a catch twenty-two. Even if parents wish to opt their child out of high stakes testing the only other option available is the GED program and, even then it comes down to passing the GED exam also a high stakes assessment.
Preparation For Testing
There are a number of ways that parents or guardians can assist in the process of preparing their child for high stakes assessments. The first option from the perspective of yours truly is to enroll their child in a Kaplan study program. Kaplan does have some of the best tutors at assisting students in studying and passing high stakes exams outside the classroom. Furthermore, there are other companies offering less expensive tutoring programs to assist students in being proficient. Furthermore, one can go online and get practice exams for free, and parents can purchase materials from bookstores and the Internet to assist their child in becoming more proficient for the high stakes exams. It is important to note one should communicate with your child and find out what else one can do to help them with in order to make this tumultuous time in their life go smoothly.
Frequently Asked Questions
There will be questions parents and guardians are going to ask pertaining to high stakes questions. What is the passing grade on the regents examination? How will this affect my child’s ability to graduate? In what way will these exams affect my child’s ability to get into college? What alternatives are available to the high stakes assessment? What materials are available to help my child study for the exams? What accommodations are available for non-English speaking students? How is the exam scored? Are the exams mandatory in order for my child to graduate? Is there an alternative route to for graduation? How long is the time frame for one to find out the score? Careful research allows one to be prepared to answer the aforementioned.
The are also questions parents could ask that one may not have adequate knowledge to provide the correct answer at the moment. However, speak with the principal and administrative staff; if one doesn’t know the answer let the parent know, find out then get back to them as soon as you have the correct answer. In addition, be prepared to answer any questions students may ask in regards to the high-risk assessment. Do not be afraid to say “ I don’t know” or “I will get back to you,” also follow up and let the student or parent know or be able to direct them to the right person.
To conclude, the author discussed some of the dynamics of high stakes testing. Yours truly mentioned why it is important and how it relates to students in the public school system. One also shared the federal standard and the role that NCLB plays in the education. Furthermore, how the aforementioned is related to high stakes testing and the role that the regents examination plays in high stakes testing. Conversely, why this form is necessary in order for students to receive a high school diploma. In addition, yours truly also discusses how the high stakes requirements differ from state to state. One also discussed why the testing is important and how it is utilized to gauge proficiency. Also, how the same high stakes testing affects students across a variety of grades. Next one mentioned how it affects the communities, schools and the district. In addition the importance of the social foundation, camaraderie and we these two are important. Also, the peculiar conundrum that high stakes testing creates for students. Furthermore, the options that is available to students when it comes to high stakes testing. How parents can best assist their children maximize their passing grade when preparing for the high stakes testing. The author also mentioned possible questions that may arise in regards to dealing with the questions that may be asked by parents. Also, the importance of being prepared to respond to the aforementioned questions in addition to the questions as an educator one may not have the answer to. Finally, what to do in the event that one does not have the answer to questions students and parents may ask and how to get them the answers they require.   

Isaacs, T. (2014). 150 years of statewide assessment in New York: are the Regents examinations still fit for purpose?. Assessment In Education: Principles, Policy & Practice21(3), 344-357.

Kern, D. (2013). Zombie Ideas in Education: High-Stakes Testing and Graduation Policies. New England Reading Association Journal49(1), 96-99.

Plunk, A. D., Tate, W. F., Bierut, L. J., & Grucza, R. A. (2014). Intended and unintended effects of state-mandated high school science and mathematics course graduation requirements on educational attainment. Educational Researcher43(5), 230-241. doi:10.3102/0013189X14540207


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