
Table Of Contents
Educational Philosophy…………………………...3
Aim Of Education………………………………....3
Role Of Education…………………………………4
Focus In The Curriculum………………………….4
Curriculum Trends………………………………...7

List Of Figures
Figure 1……………………………………………5
Figure 2……………………………………………6
Figure 3……………………………………………7


     The philosophy of education being utilized today is not effective. An educational philosophy namely progressivism is necessary component in our current democratic society. Progress Charter School believes progressivism is the best educational approach for our children. Coupled with the methods of Socratic questioning, critical and creative thinking, Blooms taxonomy and P.B.L. to promote learning. In addition the elements of thought allows students to closely examine their thought process. The knowledge acquired as a group, team or individual.


     Our community consists a lot of single-family homes. A lot of the children do not have their fathers around. Conversely, the philosophy of education being utilized today is not effective. Work or employment is hard to come by because a large majority of the population cannot read or do not posses the skills needed to get a job due to inadequate education. Furthermore, as this feeling sets into the subconscious a large percentage of our children turn to crime. An educational system with a different philosophy like progressivism is necessary in current society. 


     The institution I intend to open up ladies and gentlemen will serve and help to alleviate the some of the difficulties faced with assisting our children with self confidence growth and develop the kind of intelligence needed to break the cycle of feelings perpetuated by what society shows them. The curriculum will be one that fosters them to think outside of the shell of conformity. It will give them a chance to think critically and be able engaged in the progressivism process of learning. In addition, afterschool and lunch programs will be in place to further help feed or children and cut down on the latchkey phenomenon. At Progress Charter School we don’t just carry hope for the future we cultivate it. 

Educational Philosophy

        The Educational philosophy behind the curriculum is progressivism. It was concept established in the 1900 and is one that is based on the idea that the classroom represents the society that we live in. It fosters students the practice, opportunity and the skills needed to be productive citizens in our society. Encouraging students to use the Socratic method, Project-Based Learning, coupled with critical and creative thinking. The progressive approach helps to guide students on how to think not what to think. Asking questions using Blooms Taxonomy and deductive reasoning in order to establish plausible logical answers and solutions to solve problems and answer questions.

Aim of Education

        The aim is to educate students on how to question ideals laws and situations they encounter or are faced with throughout the process of learning and into adulthood. Not to accept things as they are but to access what the purpose and meaning is and analyze and respect the perspectives of others whether it does or does not agree with their perspective. The goal is to promote a mindset based on progressivism using Project/Problem-Based Learning as one of the main educational tools and applying the lessons learned from projects or real world problems in our society. Furthermore, utilizing lessons learned with tact, critical and creative thinking within the social setting of said society. Learning how to communicate and interact with others is a fundamental asset and through progressivism students learns to respect each other’s point of view accordingly.

Role of Education

         The role education plays using progressivism is based primarily on learning by through action. By doing, students can gather vital information and experience learning from a hands on approach. Learning by doing gives students the opportunity to understand how a democratic society functions. Conversely, the process of trial and error makes the process of learning more appealing to students. When students actively learn by doing their experiences become a memorable. There are no wrong answers when utilizing progressivism. The knowledge acquired is rooted in different ways to either solve a problem as a group, team or as an individual. Ideas and concepts are shared during discussion encourages healthy interactions between students as they actively learn from each other.

Focus in The Curriculum

        The focus in the curriculum is directly based on utilizing the concept of Socratic Questioning and Elements of Thought (Paul.R, Elder,L. 2007. Pg5). Conversely, includes elements of thought, critical thinking concepts and Questions that Asses Reasoning (Paul,R., Elder,L. 2007, pg 9). The purpose of this kind of questioning will be utilized with all subject areas: Math, Science, Reading, and Social Studies etc. Furthermore, the process will allow teachers to get into the different domains of reasoning and questioning that the Socratic method entails. To be clear all subject matter is taught through the base of Socratic questioning.

Fig. 3 - The Network of Progressive Educators (1987)

Principles of Progressive Education
• Curriculum Tailored to Individual Learning Styles, Developmental Needs, and Intellectual Interests
• The Student as an Active Partner in Learning
• Arts, Sciences, and Humanities Equally Valued in an Interdisciplinary Curriculum • Learning

Through Direct Experience and Primary Material
• A Focus on Multi-Cultural and Global Perspectives
• The School as a Model of Democracy
• The School as a Humane Environment
• Commitment to the Community Beyond School
• Commitment to a Healthy Body through Sports and Outdoor Play

Curriculum Trends

        The current effect this type teaching style has on how students learn and think when it comes to education is quite different from a traditional sense. “The present study, it was found that P.B.L. encouraged the students to gather academic information beyond the textbooks” (Jindal, M., Mahajan, H., Srivastav, S., & Baro, G. 2016 pg 79). The article further goes on to elaborate by stating; “PBL improved the communication skills in 80% students. The present study also showed that PBL motivated the students for self-directed learning and led to better understanding”(Jindal, M., Mahajan, H., Srivastav, S., & Baro, G. 2016 pg 79).

          By looking at the aforementioned and studying the body of evidence presented the success of this educational establishment is almost guaranteed. The use of critical and creative thinking, elements of thought, Blooms Taxonomy allows students to expand their thinking and not be stuck in a cookie cutter model of learning. It has been found to be an interesting teaching methodology that leads to better understanding and long lasting learning. “Students generally favour this strategy as it enhances their ability to handle and solve real-life problems” (Jindal, M., Mahajan, H., Srivastav, S., & Baro, G. 2016 pg 80).


        For the sake of argument the name of the school has been changed to the U-Charter school academy. At U-Charter they teach using perennialism as their main philosophy. It’s a good philosophy because it teaches students how to think rationally. However, this is done using a classical textbook format and doesn’t leave room for creative exploration within the curriculum. At the B-Charter school academy the teaching philosophy utilized is Essentialism. This is also a good philosophy but it designates the teacher as the sole authority not leaving room for the students to explore the subject matter according to their understanding. Conversely, it only stresses only the three R’s and doesn’t leave room for creative and critical expansion of the thought process.


        In conclusion, progressivism sending your child to Progress Charter School will give them the opportunity to grow and be productive members of society. Ultimately, what we want for our children is the chance to succeed at creating and living a better life. Progressivist educational philosophy instills in our children that circumstances don’t define who we are as individuals it is what we do. By learning to critically and creatively think things through is an asset our children need. Coupled with Blooms Taxonomy and using elements of thought gives our students the best chance to flourish. From the aforementioned aim, role, and trends to discussing what other institutions and their curriculum philosophy, Progress Charter School is the best fit to give our children the best opportunity to flourish in present society.

Elder, L., & Paul, R. (2007). Critical Thinking: The Art of Socratic Questioning, Based on Critical Thinking Concepts & Tools.

Jindal, M., Mahajan, H., Srivastav, S., & Baro, G. (2016). Pros And Cons Of Problem-Based Learning In Medical Education: Students' Viewpoint. National Journal Of Integrated Research In Medicine, 7(4), 77-81

Little, T. (2013). 21st Century Learning and Progressive Education: An Intersection. International Journal Of Progressive Education, 9(1), 84-96.


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